Use conductive tape or conductive thread to build a circuit that snaps onto LEGO. Take a look at the LEGO guide for some quick tips on how to get started. 

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Simple Circuits

Makers as young as 6 can build simple circuits on LEGO(tm) using Lectrify.  Using LEDs or vibrating motors with standard copper tape or our Conducty(tm) nylon tape, it is easy to bring your ideas to life with Lectrify.

Start lectrifying your own stories...

Start lectrifying your own stories...

Add a dancing shark to your rave party...

Add a dancing shark to your rave party...

Make a healthy smoothie.

Make a healthy smoothie.

Very useful Circuits

Once you've explored the possibilities of simple circuits, you're ready to use the Very Useful Circuits.  Very Useful Circuits provide an accessible introduction to additional electronic components and concepts including resistors, transistors and capacitors.

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Use Touchpad to explore what is conductive... Can Wonder Woman activate the reactor with a Gummy Bear?  Can the elf princess tap the power of the lemon to power the jewel?

Use Blinker to bring your emergency vehicles to life.  What you build is only limited by your imagination.

Fun circuit Modifications

Did you know that some lego pieces glow under a UV light?


replace the LED in your very useful circuit with a UV LED and create fun scenes.  Instructions coming soon!

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