Did you know that Lectrify can be used in sewable electronics projects? Adding electronics to wearables can be difficult especially when using raw components. Single LEDs tend to be small and conductive thread isn’t always easy to work with. All Lectrify components have large conductive pads making it easier to sew them into projects. They are also color-coded so that you can see which side is positive and negative.
Looking for project ideas? Check out this idea for a 4th of July project! Diego used 20 LEDs, 3 battery packs, conductive thread and regular thread to make this light up United States flag. Here’s a tip while you design your own wearables, use regular thread to secure the components in place. Use the conductive thread only on the metal sides. This will help minimize the conductive from criss-crossing and shorting your circuit. The LED and battery extension packs used to make this project are available on our website.
In May, we partnered with MyStemBox to create a wearable tech project for girls. Subscribers received a Light it kit and additional components to make a light up sewable cell phone case. The website has lots of how-to and background videos on wearable tech, take a look!